Thursday 14 August 2014

It's Friday.....great.

Well, it's Friday 15th / our 11th wedding anniversary. The wife was working lates last night, when she go back I was in bed (must have been asleep).....woke up and there was a big bag on the bedside table... She had only gone and brought me a present, some Sony wireless headphones; I think thats a hint about me listening to the TV late at night in bed while she is trying to get to sleep. However they are blooming good quality, I'll test them tonight.

I'd better pop out during lunch and get a nice card and a big bunch of nice flowers for her.

In work at the moment, got a lot to do today....lets hope I get through it all....WTF, if I do, I do..if not it'll just be there for me next week.

That's it for now, have a good'un.

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